Under one roof are four restaurants serving up contemporary global cuisine with Scandinavian Terroir. The original Esperanto, opened 11 years ago, preparing fine Scandinavian cuisine with Japanese Influences. Råkultur – western style sushi; Shibumi, Japanese Isakaya with a cocktail bar; and Imouto – a nine-seater with an Omaskase tasting menu.
Tonight the staff meal is happening in Shibumi; every week it rotates for the entire service staff.
There’s healthy competition between our chefs, who all want to please, and also impress our head chef Sayan. Staff meals here always raise morale. Everyone looks forward to eating, and being together, and are always buzzing after. It helps create a great team spirit. We get to get to know each other, and focus not just on work but on our workmates.
We mix up the staff meal seatings. The chefs usually join the table. However sometimes they serve the whole staff personally, because the have a special thought about how to plate the food and serve everyone in a specific way, like today. We all feel lucky to have such engaged chefs. Because we’re treated well; we all have higher work ethics. It radiates from the top down; to the managers and chefs and all of us.
Last week, we were in India, in New Delhi, to cook a meal at the Swedish embassy for the Nobel Foundation. The local chef cooking with us showed us some specific preparations; we wanted to share these with the staff here tonight.
Because we put so much time, passion and dedication into what we do, this 30-minute meal break is almost holy time for us. A moment to relax, with no pressure or demands. I really enjoy cooking for my colleagues ~ and love being able to put a smile on their faces this way.
Whenever a young chef arrives here, I like to see them cook a staff meal. See if they can cook tasty food from scratch. Cooking on the line involves just fragments of a meal; it’s important for me to see the younger chefs cook completely, for everyone.
The Staff Meal: Indian tacos with charcoal aubergine, gobi cauliflower, grilled chicken tiki masala, yoghurt, tomatoes, coriander and mint sauce, chili, raita, potato curry, habererno chutney, salad with onion and mint, grilled soft tortillas.